Sunday, March 26, 2017

I follow my bliss and I give you the gift of sharing.

Today has been another "Best day ever"
I woke up with a feeling of not having done enough though I had slept well.
The air was warm and the ocean was sounding continuously.
Relatively warm because it was sprinkling a bit so cooler than I am used to.
Still I had a strong desire to bury myself in the morning sand as a morning meditation to soothe me and center me.
A friend, Maila, who I met a few months ago told me excitedly when she saw black sand on our morning walk along the ocean how healthy it would be to bury ourselves in for the amazing minerals. She is from a great family here in PR. They run the "Natural Awakenings" magazine in Puerto Rico and are spiritual leaders in the community.
So that is what I did.
Yesterday, my friend Eduardo stopped by. I asked him if he could dig a hole for me so I can meditate. So he brought a shovel and dug. Once he hit the roots we both decided i would be a laying down meditation. Eduardo is so kind. He brought me fruits from his yard starting several months ago. Then he trained me in power walking. He is from a military family and in his retirement. He was also a PE teacher to my upstairs politician neighbor.
I laid on the sand naked because I wanted the minerals all over me. My beach is private but I had a sarong nearby because some people do show up.
After an hour or so of facing buried stuff within me while feeling the support of burying myself in paradise earth on a warm ocean coast I felt my angels were screaming at me to do yoga.
I found a sunny, flat beach spot and did yoga for an hour while the sun kissed and hugged me.
I experienced such guidance and communication with the holy presence while engaged in asanas.

The beach I live nearby has a river near it.
The night after I found my apartment here I walked this beach at night and happened upon a man here. Here told me many things about Puerto Rico and his childhood the in the jungles on this Island until his mom moved him to the city at 13. He showed me a river near a house is working on and said that some people think it's gross because it has a dirty smell from decomposition but it's actually very healthy to be near because it i oxygenating. There are roots from trees growing in it. His job is to rent out this wonderful house right there and givie people tours. It's a vacation house on Airbnb. People love his tours. He also wanted to get into bed with me even though he has a girlfriend and kids from and woman. No thank you, but a tour still sounds nice.
He made a bonfire that night.

 I moved there and did yoga for an hour while the sun kissed and hugged me.
I experienced such guidance and communication with the holy presence while engaged in asanas.

The beauty of the ocean right near the decomposing river inspired me to let go of a lot of emotional baggage. 

Especially about living in an Ashram when I was 19.  Having to conform to a guru's standards confused me about my power. I realized the power he gets that I trusted was from his relationship to nature.

Also especially about the "work life" I felt I was supposed to do in my life. The realization of "there is no "supposed to do" that I need to follow. I'm the one who supposes. I affirmed "I am my own guru. I am the creator of my life"

I felt so much love for my identical twin sister Yelena. I am soooooooo excited for her visit here March 31 - April 9. She is the closest human heartbeat, she is human love to a lot of me. While wondering how to make her trip here the most amazing it can  be and also grieving some part of my soul I believed was damaged, I saw two black balloons tied together by a white string. They were floating on the ocean shore.
Black is the color that absorbs all the light. It is all the colors. It reminded me of a songI made up while dancing with my sister in our Van Nuys house at ten when we wanted to be famous in some authentic way (or just wanted to be seen by our parents every once in a while and validated):
"We're one, but two. We're together and apart" It was powerful at the time to create a choreography to the song that she partook in.

I walked over there, picked up the balloons and brought them to my apartment one hundred feet away.

Reality is reality. I cannot change the past difficulties I experienced. I have changed how I treat myself. I treat myself with militant love. The ocean is teaching me that. That makes my wonderful life so much more wonderful!

After I picked up the balloons I believe I felt the ocean thanking me - clearing it of litter because I felt in tune with a wisdom of how the earth cleanses herself. 

I am learning to cleanse myself naturally and trust in the wisdom of my body.

Brining the balloons home I realized I needed to wash the sand off my body in order to keep me home clean. The hose didn't feel fun so I ran back to the ocean and jumped into her. That's a much better way to clean off sand.

At home I brought my table on rollers to the patio where I prepared cucumbers, tomatoes, and a guava as a breakfast. I ate this looking at the ocean.
I ate mindfully.
I ate with awareness of body sensations.
I chewed twenty times, each bite.
I expressed gratitude for the food.

I composted the food in a yard across the street.
I gave gratitude to be able to be include myself in this cycle of giving and receiving more naturally and witness  Earthy's natural recycling.

I am truly blessed.

My friend Ricky called to invite me to a beach and surf day. 
My new friend Lisa texted to pay me $20 so she could use my shower while and home during the day. She had stayed a few nights before and we had a blissfuly day at the Ann Wigmore institute nearby - eating raw food, learning mindful eating, and emotional discharge. Then in the evening there was a talent show. I sang "Do Rei Me" while the audience sang with me. I was so happy performing!!!!!

I learned they sell dulce and super green foods there. FINALLY! A place with organic greens!  They have a two week raw food cleansing program I truly want to partake in for the future. I'm so happy!!!!

So I picked up Lisa, my new friend who spent the night here and is writing an Airbnb review of her experience at myplace : ) -- yay income (but more-so what another authentic powerful woman who is kind and loving). 

I drove her to the farmer's market and stocked up on fresh fruits like papaya. Had coconut water out of a coconut. Saw my farming seller friends : )

Our communication is wonderful and she came here to lead a spiritual retreat. 

She expressed gratitude for knowing me and remarked how she is inspired at how I live my bliss and truly take time for meaningful experiences. I live my life with meaning.


I thank her for reflecting that.

I love taking my day mindfully. 

I truly have transformed a lot. Having not kept most people in the loop of my experiences I am now intending to commit to blogging. My life here in so many ways. Especially the stories of experiences I've had. Life here, for me, is too rich to not share.

A sense of loneliness truly ebbs into pride as I realize how strong I am and how truly authentically I am living in ways I believe like meditation, yoga, mindful eating, kindness, sharing, vulnerability to open doorways - magical supernatural routes of life -to new experiences, adventure, love. LOVE.

The paradise of here is keeping me here for a good long time.

Now am I keening for another surf lesson from a handsome guy who literally swam under my surfboard in rocky water to give the another peak experience. Surfing!

I am unplugging from the computer again as that is also important to me. 

I could write novels about every single day here. And maybe I will when I get un-dizzy from LA living for so long - healing from there is my expression of gratitude to THE OCEAN!!! . Right now I am laying in a hammock, rocking, listening to the ocean one under feet to my right. I have fresh fruit inside. Nobody else is here. I choose to take in natural sunlight for the hour more it's here rather than focusing on this computer light (even I so want to share my experiences here. It's dawning on me that because I am energy sensitive I believe on some level all my acquaintances are with my in my experiences. I have such a talent to for writing though. I want to share my paradise life in Puerto Rico. I want to share it from a place of gratitude. This blog can be nut-cased as a piece of gratitude. This piece can be seen as serving God's will. What my spiritual connection has moved in me from witnessing sunsets here in a daily basis at the shore is powerful enough to start a religion of peace.
I share Peace. 
I am Peace
I Love you.


Asya - yoga teacher

Note: For all who have felt I may have wronged you:
I'm sorry. I love you. Please forgive me.

For all who feel they may have wronged me I welcome a setting for Love to enter though forgiveness as I see you in your higher self.

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