I rocked on my hammock this morning soothed by ocean sounds. My dear newly adopted chihuahua Rico Yogi was resting on my belly, just bout where my womb lies deep beneath. What did I feel? A strong desire to be a safe mother to him. I realized I felt bereft in the lacks I have of nurturing the ones who need it.

I'm reminded of the native american story:
We have two wolves inside of us. One who is selfish and angry
another who is compassionate LOVING.
They are at war.
Who wins?
the one we feed the most.
I wish I was at the level of the high givers, but wolves are interesting creatures - sometimes wolf can run from one needing being leaving them bereft in order to care for another one that might have some secret benefit for them.
In this way, today again I choose to start small. I choose to start with Rico in every moment, caring for his needs.
In this complex symbiotic society what else can I do?
I value wise thoughts.
In the comments below, I'd love for you to share: what gives you pleasure as a woman?
in love,
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